Riddle of Trench 7 Finally Solved!
Day 4. Today was another enjoyable day. We celebrated Hasel's birthday this afternoon with lemon drizzle cake and a very harmonious version of 'Happy Birthday'. Sadly, our mouse did not make another appearance today.
We had 11 people on site today with Hasel, Christine and myself finishing off digging down to the natural in trench 11. Sadly, all we found were tree roots and not much else. Tomorrow we will clean it up, photograph and record it and then backfill it.
Emily and Liz from Wessex Archaeology North plotted the features running off the hill into the wood using triangulation as it is impossible to get a satellite signal on the GPS through the tree canopy.
We now know where a number of features run into the wood with some certainty, so we will open more 'small' trenches tomorrow in the hope that we will find one of the features and learn what they are.
The riddle of Trench 7, the home of the stones and frustrating referred to as 'a something' has finally been solved. Alison, Philippa, Ted, Andy and Michael uncovered more stones in the trench today and it is on an alignment with a feature running off the hill.
The stones that we uncovered last year were also uncovered so that we could see the feature it in it's entirety and I am pleased to finally be able to announce that the stones in trench 7 and 7a are... 'a conundrum'!!!!!!

Photos by Emily Eastwood.