We're back!
It really doesn't seem like 12 months has gone by since we were last in Cuthbright Wood investigating the archaeology there, but here we are again carrying on where we left off.
This year's dig is tinged with lots of sadness, as we lost a great friend and supporter in Amanda Cormack whose family owns the wood. Amanda sadly passed away on the 15th May, and this year's dig is dedicated to her memory.
Amanda's husband Gary and their family have also been highly supportive towards us and kindly allowed our dig to continue this year as Amanda and they were as keen as we are to learn more about the archaeology that we uncovered last year.
A couple of weeks ago, Gary kindly chopped down a large Ash tree that was sitting on top of a pile of stones that we uncovered last year.
Ted 67 and Andy 65 decided to remove the tree trunk the following week to save time as our dig is only going on for one week this year and after a lot of hard graft, the two of them managed it. Swinging axes like 35 year olds, they removed the trunk without damaging any archaeology that may have been beneath it.
On their first day removing the tree trunk, Andy uncovered a piece of pottery - part of a handle on top of more stones. Our 'Something' from last year was looking promising.
On their last day removing the tree trunk Andy found another piece of pottery and today on our first 'official' day of the dig, Alison, Michael and Ted uncovered more pottery, galena, and more stones.

This is definitely looking like 'a something'!!