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Day 19

The day I have been dreading has finally arrived. Today is the last day of the Harthill Community Archaeological Dig.

The whole thing has taken a year of planning between Mili, from Wessex Archaeology North and myself.

The last 12 months have dragged unbearably for me, and I, like my daughters used to do when Christmas was approaching, I have been counting the ‘sleeps’ until we would begin. Then in a flash it is all over and now it all seems a blur.

If I had not taken the photographs that I have over the last three weeks (2,308) or written this blog each night the whole thing would have indeed been a blur.

Thankfully, I will remember many happy memories and conversations over the last three weeks that I have had with these incredible, intelligent and warm-spirited young people from Wessex Archaeology North.

I have never seen so many young men and women work so hard at a constant rigorous pace day after day. Some of the work has been back-breaking and they just get on with it, no fuss, no bother. They are like human JCB’s!!

I will miss sitting in the wood in the morning on my own before everyone else arrived listening to the birds singing, and I will certainly miss all of the WA team. They say you can’t choose your family, but you can choose your friends and I would have no hesitation in saying that I would choose every one of them and our volunteers every time! What a great bunch of people! What a great three weeks!

Well, in the words of Bugs Bunny, and until we meet again…. That’s All Folks! Cue the music!


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