Day 11
What an eventful day today was, even though we didn’t do any digging. We arrived on site this morning looking forward to opening some new...

Day 10
Day 10 already! We had 7 volunteers on site today including my friend Jude from Netherthorpe Airfield at Thorpe Salvin. I invited Jude...
3D Scan of the trenches
John Cusack from Qubic Aerial Systems recently did a 3D scan of our trenches. Below is his handiwork. Take a 360 degree tour of the...

Day 9
There was quite a lot of recording today. We also back-filled trenches 1 and 3. Trench 2 was back-filled yesterday and the topsoil was...

Day 8
Another busy day today. There appeared to be much less digging than on previous days, but trenches were still being dug down to the...

Day 6
Today was more of an Open Day for people from the village to come along and look at the trenches and to try their hand at digging and...

Day 5
WA Archaeologist, Hans and Harthill volunteer Sarah inspect a find in the spoil heap that she found using a metal detector. After a...

Day 4
WA Archaeologist, Luke, shows Harthill volunteers, Ted and Olivia how to draw the section of a trench and explains why this is necessary....

Day 3
WA Archaeologist, Dora explains how to draw the Section of a trench to Harthill volunteer, Andy. What a great day! Today, we had 8...

Day 2
We had 6 volunteers today including myself, Olivia. Si, George, Ted, and Nicola. We also had two more members from the WA team. A fourth...